Craniosacral Therapy

Effective and non-invasive alternative.
Relieve pain and discomfort from a variety of ailments.
  • Migraine + Headache Reduction read more
  • Stress Management read more
  • Tinnitus Relief
  • Anxiety + Depression Comfort
  • Concussion + TBI Recovery
  • Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Ease

Craniosacral Therapy clients experience relief from symptoms, while reporting experiences of feeling calmer, more connected to themselves, and more agile in their daily functioning. CST also helps general aches & pains, fatigue, and insomnia.

  • CST is a gentle-touch protocol (front, back, & head)
  • Sessions are done in a relaxing environment on a massage table
  • Treatments are roughly 45min to 50min
  • The process:
    1. Reading your system
    2. Relaxing tensions in the body
    3. Balancing the Central Nervous System


Bhakti CranioSacral Therapy:

  • Works with the body’s craniosacral system to support and nourish the central nervous system — improving overall health and well-being.
  • Helps to alleviate the aches, pains and strains of life; improves coping mechanisms to allow for better management of stress.
  • Improves the body’s ability to self-care; can produce profound, positive changes.
CST has been nothing short of miraculous for me. I have tried several different healing practices over the past several years, and this is the only one that has been able to successfully alleviate my migraine headaches. Stewart’s approach to working with individuals is both warm and intuitive. I can’t recommend him more highly.
- Page B.

Stu’s healing touch is an extension of his presence. Warm, kind, and with positive intention. I was very fortunate to experience three craniosacral therapy sessions with Stu this past winter. These incredible experiences shifted a very subtle yet tangible part of my body and being. Rising from the table, I remember thinking ‘Wow…everyone needs this work!
- Tucker T.

My first and definitely not my last CST session: I was skeptical going in, but wow, my head is still spinning (in a very nice way) 24 hours after the session with Stu. Getting a massage has always been a treat for by body and soul, but my first CST experience went way beyond any massage. During the session, I discovered an out of body experience, as my mind and body were literally floating similar to sitting on a raft in Jamaica. I was keenly aware of my body working as a singular, cohesive unit. Today, I am unusually relaxed despite the stressful workload that landed on my desk. I am breathing very comfortably, similar to how I breath when taking a walk on the beach. Thank you Stu. Suffice to say, CST is a must-have experience.
- Mark S.

I have had 3 [CST] sessions and not only am I clearer and more focused during the day, I wake up happier than usual every morning. In addition, my brain won’t stop with new ideas for my business. It’s crazy! I love Bhakti Craniosacral therapy now. You have to try it if you want to clear up negativity, need a clearer focus & get rid of that brain fog, or open your mind!
- Kristi P.

About Bhakti Craniosacral

I’ve combined my training in the Upledger CranioSacral Therapy 10-step methodology, Hugh Milne’s vision of a sacred and honored connection within CranioSacral work, and the fundamental concepts of Bhakti Yoga – love and devotion are the center of all life’s qualities. This Bhakti CranioSacral Therapy is primarily energy-based and works with the mechanical system provided in training.

This unique modality is designed to activate self-healing and wellness by encouraging the central nervous system’s natural rhythms with the energy – prana – of the heart. Through a protocol of gentle touch, the loving, compassionate energy of the heart is expanded to balance the membranes and fluids of the craniosacral system, allowing you to feel more like yourself and encouraging general well-being of your entire system.


What does a Bhakti CranioSacral Session feel like?

Bhakti CranioSacral Therapy induces a deep state of relaxation by turning off our fight or flight mechanism and allowing the body to rest and digest. During this state, our subconscious begins to work at unwinding the tensions and mis-corrections in our body.

Therapy is performed fully clothed, supine, and light touch is administered over the length of the spine, the head, and the sacral bone. Light touch is also performed at the feet, above the knees, on the stomach and heart.

You’ll often feel gentle movements in the physical body, emotional releases in the form of tension or tears, and a sense of something bigger. The work is a trigger for the body; additional feelings can and will arise 24-36 hours after a session. These include a sense of euphoria, less anxiousness, deeper sleep, and a stronger sense of balance / peace.

How does it work?

Bhakti CranioSacral Therapy works by encouraging the rhythmic pulse of the Cranial Spinal Fluid (CSF). This fluid surrounds and nourishes the working of the central nervous system, which sends and receives sensory signals to every part of the body. A stronger, more rhythmic system produces better feeling sensations through it.

Why should I try it?

Relief from headaches, migraines, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and general malaise are treated with Bhakti CranioSacral Therapy. Clients also experience emotional support, stability, and strength that stems from a deep connection to your inner light and wisdom.

How many sessions should I have?

If you’re new to Bhakti CranioSacral Therapy, I encourage four sessions done over a relatively short period of time.

The first session resets and ignites the healing nature of the system.

The second session acts as a “check-up” to see how the body has responded to the first session. It’s best for this session to be one to three days from the first.

The third session is a full protocol again with additional direction toward the places in the system that have a need for additional care. This session is scheduled about two weeks from the second.

The fourth session is a full protocol again encouraging the system to create a “memory” of the balanced state and a desire to return to it. This session is scheduled another two weeks from the third.

Ongoing, there is not any “too much,” and a regularly scheduled session helps keep the body in it’s natural healing rhythm. Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly are all normal time-frames.


1-hour session: $110
4-session Package*: $390
*recommended for new clients
Monday: 8:00am – 2:00pm
Thursdays: 2:00pm – 9:00pm

In-home appointments are available, too!

Me & CST

I’ve been described as having one foot in the modern world – and one squarely in the old world of mystical healers. The first half of my professional life was in front of a computer supporting systems and infrastructure in what we “typically” define as a great career. This gave me a deep and personal understanding of the health sacrifices our “typical” path requires of us. The second half of my professional life has been devoted to helping you counter those lifestyle demands by decoding old-world magic into contemporary methods.

I first dug into CranioSacral work studying Hugh Milne’s visionary approach. Milne considers the work a spiritual art paired with a sense of awe for the individual. I continued my education with certified training by the Upledger Institute which has a strong focus on the mechanical aspects of the craniosacral system and rhythm.

Drawing on an intimate understanding of what the mystics could never quite write down, I’ve built this practice into a fully adaptable system designed to couple the mechanical art and spiritual essence of the craniosacral system giving people a more positive experience in the human body.